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Showing posts from July 22, 2018

How To Tell The Time In English

                              The Time:- There are of two types to tell the time. 1.By Figures:- In Timtables and official notices, we tell the time in figures. As:- 6.05, 5.30, 8.35, 6.42, 6.23, 6.57 etc. 2.The conversation method:- In conversation, we use words   to tell the time. As:- half past ten,eight past to,three to four etc. बजकर है / बजा है :- यदि किसी वाक्य में बजकर हैं या बजा है लगा हो तो उस वाक्य का english में translate करते समय ‘past’ का प्रयोग किया जाता हैं | past:- We use ‘past’ before the hour(as 1, 2, 4, 5 etc.)   and   after the ‘minute/minutes’ (as:-1 minute, 2minutes, 5, 7 minutes, 10 etc). कम है / बाकी है :- यदि किसी वाक्य में कम है /बाकी है लगा हो तो उस वाक्य का english में translate करते समय ‘to’ का प्रयोग किया जाता हैं | to:- We use ‘to’ before the hour(as 1, 2, 4, 5 etc.)   and   after the ‘minute/minutes’ (as:-1 minute, 2minutes, 5, 7 minutes, 10 etc). NOTE:- 1.Hour is used only in figures(Don’t use as:-1 hour, 2 ho