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MS Paint File, Home and View Menu

Microsoft Paint is a simple graphics editor that has been included with all versions of Microsoft Windows. The program opens and saves files in Windows bitmap, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and single-page TIFF formats. The program can be in color mode or two-color black-and-white, but there is no grayscale mode.                          
The extension name of paint is .bmp (BIT MAP PICTURE).

Uses of MS Paint in Computer :-

                            I.           To create any type of art, logo, picture
                          II.           To draw any objects
                        III.           To any type of painting works

How To Open MS Paint :-

Ø We can use three methods to open MS Paint.

1st Method :-
Ø  Click on windows logo button(ÿ)/start button. 
Ø  Click On All Programs 
Ø  Click On Accessories 
Ø  Click On MS Paint.                                                                                       Then, MS Paint will Open…..

 2nd Method :-
Ø Press Windows Logo Button on Keyboard 
Ø Type ‘MS Paint’ 
Ø Pree ‘Enter Key’
Then MS Paint will Open……

3rd Method :-
Ø Press (WIN+R) Key on Keyboard 
Ø Type ‘MSPAINT’, ‘Mspaint’ or ‘mspaint’ without any space 
Ø Press ‘Enter Key’
Then MS Paint will Open…….

When MS Paint will open then MS Paint Window show like this..

Title Bar

At the top of MS Paint Window, Where Untitled-Paint has written and minimize, maximize or close button appear is called Title Bar.
MS. Paint विंडो का सबसे उपरी भाग, जहाँ अनटाइटल्ड paint लिखा रहता हैं और minimize, maximize या close button दिखाई देता हैं | उसे Title Bar कहते हैं |

Work Area/Drawing Area

Where work with any graphics in any area of MS Paint. Then, that area is called Work Area/Drawing Area.      
MS Paint का वह area जहाँ paint या drawing से related कोई भी काम किया जाता हैं, तो उस area को Drawing Area, Work Area या Canvas Area कहते हैं |

Status Bar

The below of Work Area, where cursor position, document size, selection size and zooming options are shown are called status bar.
MS Paint में Work Area के नीचे, जहाँ कर्सर position, document size, selection size और zooming option दिखाई देता हैं, status bar कहलाता हैं |

Menu Bar

The below of Title Bar, Where many menu are shown is called Menu Bar. There are Three menu in Paint Menu Bar. That is File, Home, View.                

To activate any menu of menu bar press ‘Alt’ key with underline letter of any menu. 
टाइटल बार के नीचे, जहाँ सारे menu दिखाई देते हैं, menu bar कहलाता हैं | Paint Menu Bar में केवल तीन menu हैं.. 
1. File 
2. Home 
3. View

As :- File – Alt+F, Home - Alt+H, View – Alt+V

File Menu

This menu is used to open, save, or print and to see everything else you can do with your document.                
इस menu का प्रयोग हम किसी भी डॉक्यूमेंट को open, save और print आदि करने के लिए करते हैं |

New (Ctrl+N)

This is used to create a new picture.             
इसका प्रयोग हम एक नया picture बनाने के लिए करते हैं |
Ø Click on File Menu.
Ø Click on New.
Ø Then draw or insert some graphics.

Open (Ctrl+O)

This is used to open an existing picture.               
इसका प्रयोग हम किसी भी save किये हुवे picture को open करने के लिए करते हैं |
Ø Click on File Menu.
Ø Click on Open.
Ø Then ‘Open Box’ will appear. Select any file from ‘Open box’.
Ø Click on Open.                                                                                      Then that file will open…

Save (Ctrl+S)

This is used to save the current picture.       
इसका प्रयोग हम किसी भी current picture को new file में save करने के लिए करते हैं|
Ø Click on File Menu.
Ø Click on New
Ø Draw or Insert some graphics
Ø Click on save. then ‘Save As’ box will appear.
Ø Type File Name in File Name Box.
Ø Click on Save.                                                                                                                      Then, that file will save…

Save As

This is used to save the current picture as a new file with a new name or format.     
इसका प्रयोग हम किसी भी current picture को नया file में नया नाम से save करने और उसका location change कर दुसरे जगह other नाम से save करने के लिए करते हैं |
Ø Click on File Menu then click New.
Ø Draw or Insert some graphics.
Ø Click on File Menu then click Save As.
Ø Then ‘Save As’ box will appear.
Ø Type File Name in ‘File Name’ box. Then, click save.                                                  Then that file will save.. 
If you want to save previously saved file with a new name or format.
Ø Firstly, You open a previously saved file.
Ø Click on File Menu then ‘Save As’. Then, ‘Save As’ box will appear.
Ø Change your file name in file name box and change file location.
Ø Then, Click on save.

Print (Ctrl+P)

This is used to print the current picture through printer.
इसका प्रयोग हम किसी भी current picture को printer के द्वारा print करने के लिए करते हैं |    
Ø Firstly, You open a file that you want to print through printer.
Ø Click on file menu then print. Then, ‘Print’ box will appear.
Ø Select your printer, type number of copies. Then click on apply and then print.                                     
                               Then, your file will be print through printer..

Quick Print

This is used to print the document directly to the default printer without making changes.

Print Preview

This is used to preview and make changes to pages before printing.
इसका प्रयोग हम printing से पहले, pages में कोई changing करने या उसे देखने के लिए की print के बाद paper पर कैसे आयेगा करते हैं |
Ø Click on File Menu then click print then click on print preview.

Page Setup
This is used to change pagelayout settings.              
इसका प्रयोग हम अपने page का size, orientation और margins आदि change या set करने के लिए करते हैं |
Ø Click on file menu then Page Setup. Then, ‘Page Setup’ box will appear.
Ø Select any paper size from size box, set paper orientation portrait or landscape, set paper margins from left, right, top, bottom. Then, Click on ok.

Set As Desktop Background 
This is used to set the current picture in desktop background.    इसका प्रयोग हम current picture को डेस्कटॉप के background में set करने के लिए करते हैं |
Ø Firstly, You insert any picture in document.
Ø Click on File Menu then click ‘set as desktop background’. Then, click ok.
Ø Type file name in file name box. Then, click on save.

Exit (Alt+FX)

This is used to exit from MS Paint  Window.           
इसका प्रयोग हम MS Paint विंडो से बाहर आने के लिए करते हैं|
Ø Click on File menu.
Ø Click on Exit.
Then you will exit from Notepad Window.


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  2. excellent notes


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